Hooked-spur Violet, Western Dog Violet
Early Blue Violets are common across Canada and in the northern and western United States. The small plants (4 in high) can be found in open woods, meadows, and grasslands, flowering from early May to June. They have a cluster of dark green, heart-shaped leaves (.5-1 in wide) at their base and multiple flower stems.
The bluish-purple flowers (.75 in across) have purple streaks on the 3 lower petals and a white beard on the two side petals. A long spur at the back of the flower may be slightly hooked.
Could it be? Northern Bog Violets are taller with larger leaves and grow in moist areas (beside streams or ponds).
Did you know? When the seeds are ripe, the seed pod splits open and the seeds spill out in all directions. Small oil-rich appendages on the seeds make tasty snacks for Ants but leave the seeds intact and ready to germinate in good growing areas.
See Also: Crowfoot Violet, Downy Yellow Violet, Northern Bog Violet, Western Canada Violet