Rocky Mountain Redcedar
Rocky Mountain Junipers grow in the mountainous areas of western North America. They're small trees (3-6 ft) with reddish-brown to gray bark that shreds as it ages. The trunk is often knotty and crooked. They don't tolerate shade and are found alone or in small clusters, often on dry, exposed sites. They have scale-like, overlapping needles.
The small, berry-like cones are found at the end of branches. They're green when young, ripening to a dark blue with a whitish bloom.
Common Junipers are low-lying shrubs with sharp, green needles in groups of three.
Could it be? Rocky Mountain Junipers are also known as Rocky Mountain Redcedars. Their needles and bark are similar to those of Western Redcedars; however, Rocky Mountain Junipers have blue berry-like fruit while Western Redcedars have small, egg-like cones.
Did you know? Rocky Mountain Junipers' berries are an important food source for Deer, Mountain Goats, and other animals. Many birds choose to nest in their branches.
See Also: Balsam Fir, Common Juniper, Douglas-fir, Engelmann Spruce, Jack Pine, Lodgepole Pine, Spruce, Tamarack, Western Hemlock, Western Larch, Western Redcedar, Whitebark Pine