Shrubby Cinquefoil are low-growing rounded shrubs with many bushy branches (1.5-4 ft tall; 3-5 ft wide). The leaves are formed of 5-7 gray-green, velvety leaflets (.75 in long). The bark is rough and shredded, especially on older branches.
Shrubby Cinquefoil flower from June to September. The yellow flowers (.75-1 in across) have 5 round petals and are usually found in clusters at the tips of branches.
Could it be? Related bushes with flowers of various colors (white, pink, red) are often grown in home gardens.
Did you know? Stands of Shrubby Cinquefoil provide cover for Mule Deer, game birds, and small mammals. They're an important nesting site for songbirds.
Grasslands are large open areas covered with
grasses. They have very few trees or shrubs.
This habitat includes prairies and tundra.
Urban areas have a large population within a
defined area.
This includes villages, towns, and cities.
Wetlands are low-lying areas that are covered by
water all or most of the time and support a variety of
aquatic plants. This habitat includes rivers, streams,
lakes, ponds, bogs, and marshes.